Part Artist, Part Scientist, 100% Amazing Infographic


Check out this great infographic from Pardot! Combining eye-catching visuals with top notch content, this awesome infographic really kicks ass and caught my attention. Content should always add value, and I felt like this infographic had a lot to offer.

In short, the modern marketer is a strange breed. Part artist and part scientist, marketers use a variety of tools, such as compelling content and attention grabbing social media, to show off their talents and increase sales. Visuals are also a huge part of many marketing efforts, just look at the infographic above!

Marketers need to utilize their entire array of “scientific” tools to make sure that they are connecting with viewers. And that means getting under the “hood.” Marketers must use a deep understanding of analytics, consumer analysis, and campaign performance rates to inform their artistic efforts.

And remember, costs are always important, as the authors point out:

With more responsibility and fewer resources, marketers must be experts in budgeting and resources.

So a great campaign is only truly great if you manage your resources properly. Anyone can burn cash to gain attention, but do you have what it takes to turn a couple dollars into a million views? If so, you might be a combination of mad scientist and tortured artist and that’s just what the world needs!

Think you’ve got what it takes? By combining a deep study of markets with compelling content, just about anybody can become a marketer, but it often takes repeated effort and patience to build that right mix of scientist and artist!


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