A Splash of Color and Consumer Choices [Infographic]


<blockquote>84.7% of customers cite color as the primary reason they buy a particular product.” </blockquote>

Whoa! Those numbers are astounding! I would have never guessed it was that high! Not only that, but customers will make a subconscious judgment regarding an environment or product within 90 seconds, with 62 to 90 percent of them making this judgment based on color alone!

So what color is the right color? Turns out different colors are good for different things. Red evokes strong emotions and is good for impulse buyers. Blue on the other hand creates a sense of security and trust. Combine the two to create purple and you get a creative and wise brand!

Interestingly, while yellow is a color of warmth and cheerfulness, it actually makes babies cry! Orange also evokes excitement and warmth, but can also stir up feelings of caution. Green can be associated with either wealth, or health and tranquility.

So how do companies use these colors? McDonald’s uses yellow and red, likely to catch your eye. Walmart uses blue, most likely trying to create a sense of professionalism, while Amazon uses a touch of orange (perhaps to create some excitement?). Meanwhile BP uses a lot of green, arguably in a move to green wash itself! Obviously color has a huge impact on marketing!

What are some of your favorite company logos, and what colors do they come in? Check out this insightful infographic and the accompanying charts by Webpage FX to learn how to interpret these logos!

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