Using Social Media to Take Your Job Hunt to the Next Level [Infographic]


You may have noticed that our website has a lot of infographics on job hunting. That’s no random coincidence. In this down economy, a lot of people are looking for work. Luckily, however, tools such as social media can make it easier for you to land a job!

For recruitment purposes Linkedin is by far the most popular website with 93% of recruiters using it. Still, 66% of recruiters use Facebook and 54% use Twitter, so you have plenty of options!

Not convinced that social media will help someone land a job? Try telling that to the 1 in 6 people who report that social media did in fact help them land a job!

Another important thing is to make your profile professional friendly. Get rid of references to drug use, sexual content, grammar, and alcohol consumption. Also, take down incriminating photos.

Make your profiles professional with well written content, professional looking photos, and other things that will impress recruiters. The goal is to stand out, and make sure you are standing out in a good way!

You can even make an infographic resume, or social media resume. Make sure you include your education, work experience, professional clubs, and a portfolio of work. Also include a link to a CV or resume!

Thanks Reed Marketing and Creative for this very insightful infographic! The information in the charts and pics above may be just want you need to kick start your career!

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