A Not-So Pint Sized Infographic: Money Around the World [Infographic]


As an international traveler and someone who has spent a lot of time working abroad, I find this to be an interesting infographic. Still, I wish this was in dollars, not pounds! Obviously people from the United Kingdom will beg to differ!

Anyways, this infographic is filled with a lot of information. Instead of trying to sort through all of it to explain to you, I am going to focus on the cost of a pint around the world. Why? Because it’s been a long day and after I finish up this infographic I am going to go and enjoy myself a cold pint. But let’s head to the maps first to find out how much they cost!

In London a pint costs only 3 pounds, but head across the English Channel to Paris and you will have to pay 5 pounds! Switzerland is a bit cheaper than Paris with a pint costing only 4.3 pounds but in Sweden you’ll pay 6.6 pounds! If you’re looking for some cheap drinks, head to Prague in the Czech Republic or Sofia in Bulgaria. There pints cost less than a pound!

Over in Asia a pint costs 3 pounds in Hong Kong and 1.7 pounds in Bangkok. Honestly, I’d like to know where people are buying their pints in Bangkok, because I have never paid nearly so much! Tokyo gets a bit pricey at 4.3 pound per pint.

Looks like several African cities are quick expensive, with pints costing 3 pound or more. Still, South Africa is cheaper, with a pint costing only 1 pound. Over in the Americas, a pint will run you up about 1.5 pounds in Rio De Janeiro. In New York City you will pay 3.7 pounds. I’d be interested to see more data about the USA, because NYC is famous for being expensive!

I imagine a big part of the differences in cost around the world has to do with the local economy. Simply put, if you earn more money, you can spend more money. Anyways check out the rest of this kick ass infographic by moneysupermarket.com to learn more about costs around the world!

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