Choosing Your Tunes At Work [Infographic]


This is another one of those kick ass infographics that’s more a game than an informational media piece! I love these infographics, because they are a fun break from whatever you happen to be doing on a day-to-day basis.

If you find yourself at work and have that itch to plug in some headphones, but are uncertain of what you want to listen to, this infographic might have the answer!

Instead of doing a normal description, I’ll just play the game and relay the information back to you!

I do most of my work from my desk, and I get to count myself as a “creative cat”, as I am a writer. That means I should be listening to jazz, classical, or ambient music.

Hmmm….. honestly, that’s not my style, but luckily there are no “restrictions” on choosing another type of music! Good news for me. Classic rock and Indie rock (well, at least 90’s alternative) are my top two choices, though some days I love rap music. Sets a good working mood.

How about you? What’s your career, and what’s your favorite music type?

Once you have the answers, play through this musical infographic by Sonos!

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