Cutting Corners With Social Media [Infographic]


Most of us now spend a lot of our time on one social media site or another. In fact, many of use use several social media sites. I admit, I am a bit archaic and only use Facebook, but I know a lot of my friends are active on Twitter, Google+, and numerous other sites.

Still, most of us navigate with the old point and click method. You know, you direct your mouse icon to a certain spot and click through to perform a task. Turns out, there are a ton of short cuts you can use to speed up your social media experience!

Just check out the chart in this infographic to learn all of the different short cuts! There are too many to list, but there are shortcut facts regarding all of the major social media networks!

I honestly never knew you could use shortcuts on social media sites. I use short cuts all the time while using word processing programs, and I also use them in the basic web browser. But I had no idea that Facebook, Twitter, and others had their own set of short cuts!

Check you this kick ass infographic by Quintly to learn some of the short cuts for your favorite social media sites!

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