I Know What You Should Read This Summer [Infographic]


This kick ass infographic from teach.com is one of those infographics that’s more like a game than a traditional infographic. Basically, it will act as a guide through the world of literature and help you figure out which books you should read this summer.

Instead of describing the infographic itself, I will tell you how I used it to look for some books. For example, the first choice you are given is to choose between fiction and non-fiction. I usually prefer non-fiction, but since I just finished reading a biography on Steve Jobs, I decided to go the fiction route.

I love classic fiction, but I’ve read a lot of the older books and wanted something a bit fresher. As such, I went with contemporary fiction. This took me to a choice for whether or not to read historical fiction. Historical fiction sounded interesting, and it isn’t a genre I’ve read too many times, so I figured I would give it a try.

Next, I got to choose between foul play, political science, family ties, and religion. I am a bit of a poli sci aficionado, so I took that route. This left me with a choice between “The Plot Against America” and “The Rum Diary”. For whatever reason “The Rum Diary” has caught my attention, so that’s my choice!

What’s your choice? Go through the above flowchart and find out! If you find a good book you can do a little self-education this summer!

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