Influ-Venn-Za: An Infectiously Informative Infographic!


I won’t lie. The “flu” is one of the few things that really scares the heck out of me. Ever since I saw that movie Contagion a few years ago, I have been all but anticipating a break out of a super deadly strain of influenza. Maybe I am being a bit paranoid, but experts believe it could happen!

And the scary part? The science is there to back it up! As this infographic points out, there are many types of influenza, and many of them can jump from animals to humans. And we aren’t just talking about bird flu either. Influenza strains can jump into humans from pigs and even seals!

One thing I didn’t know is that “pigs are a source of flu pandemics as they can be infected by bird, human, and swine flus.” So basically pigs are ticking time bombs!

Thankfully, the flu hasn’t yet jumped from bats, horses, and other animals. Still, who knows what could happen in the future? And that is always the scary thing about diseases, isn’t it? We never really know what is going to happen and if we aren’t careful, a disease could cause massive amounts of damage.

Usually infographics don’t give me the chills, but this super informative one did! So if you’re curious about influenza, you should study this infographic from!

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