Marketing To Moms Means Big Bucks [Infographic]


Numerous retailers have learned that moms hold the keys to the purse strings for many households. In fact, moms control some 2.4 trillion dollars! So if you are looking for a customer group to target through social media, look no further!

Moms love to read up on products and goods online, with 84 percent of them looking for product reviews and recommendations. So make sure you get plenty of good reviews out there!

Don’t believe me? Consider this, 74 percent of moms have made a purchase based off of a mention from a blog post. And 65 percent have learned about a product or service through social media. Further, 64 percent of moms will read a review before making a purchase.

86 percent of moms are now on Facebook, and 50 percent are on Pinterest, so the numbers are quite staggering! And that means the outreach possibilities are also quite high!

So how do you engage moms? Turns out that 81 percent are more likely to engage if they earn “reward points,” so make sure you set up a rewards program! It’s a great way to reel em in. And your points will be well-rewarded with useful information. Why? In exchange for points, 73 percent of moms will be willing to fill out a survey.

Best of all, 92 percent of moms will buy more of their favorite products when rewarded. And 59 percent will consider other brand offers. Those are staggering results!

Check out the rest of this data packed inforgraphic by PunchTab!

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