Power of Mobile [Infographic]


<blockquote>smart phone and tablet ownership is booming, and there is no doubt that it’s changing the way we shop. But to what extent will mobile devices change consumer shopping behavior?</blockquote>

That sums up this infographic nicely. As for myself, I don’t own a tablet, but I do own a smartphone. Also, I have to admit that I have never shopped from my phone beyond buying a few games for the phone itself. Still, I know a lot of my friends search for products and make purchases via their smartphones and tablets.

With 85 percent of people owning a cellphone, and 45 percent owning a smartphone, people prefer their phones on the go these days. PCs still remain the most popular tool to make a purchase with, however, both smartphones and tablets are becoming quite popular.

Discounts, buy-one-get-one-free, free shipping, and free gifts are just a few of the popular deals you can promote through mobile devices. Facebook and other social media networks are also essential for promotional efforts.

Among other things, people will use their mobile device to check prices at competing locations, so make sure you’re price competitively. And consider that 3 out of 5 people will leave a store to make a purchase online, even if the discount is only 5 percent!

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