The Dark Side of Caffeine [Infographic]


I’ve always heard mixed things about caffeine. I’ve heard that in moderation it can be quite good for your health. Still, as this insightful infographic by FreeInsuranceQuotes.Net points out, there are some downsides to caffeine.

Most people consume caffeine in the form of coffee or tea. I imagine a lot of people also consume caffeine in soft drinks, but if I remember correctly caffeine levels in soft drinks are actually quite low.

Anyways, worldwide people consume about 75 mg of caffeine per day. In Scandinavian countries, however, the average person consumes about 400 MG of caffeine a day, mostly in the form of coffee!

Americans, Brits, and Canadians consume a comparatively paltry 200 MG per day. That’s well above the global average but way behind the high bar set by people in Scandinavia. Check out the maps above for more information!

Interestingly, children are actually the fastest growing group of caffeine consumers. In fact caffeine consumption among children has increased by a whopping 70 percent since 1980!

Caffeine for kids doesn’t necessarily come from coffee or tea. Indeed, among children aged 1 to 5 soft drinks account for 55 percent of caffeine consumed, with chocolate accounting for another 35 percent.

You should be careful with caffeine, however, as it can lead to dizziness, vomiting, insomnia, and numerous other conditions! Caffeine withdrawals, on the other hand, can lead to head aches, muscle pain, and nausea.

Anyways check out the above charts in this kick ass infographic for more details!

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