Who’s Doing It Right? Most and Least Social Companies [Infographic]


This is is huge infographic and it is packed with tons of social media information regarding various companies and industries. This infographic shows how social media is impacting various companies, and also which are the most and least social industries. We’ll keep it short and sweet, but make sure you check this one out!

Computer technology is the most social industry, no surprise there. I was mildly surprised to see HR come in at number two, but I guess that makes a lot of sense when you think about it. You’ve got to recruit, after all.

On the other hand, libraries and EMS/Firefighting are among the least social industry. I don’t know, I could see how social media could really help both of those sectors out! So that caught me a bit off guard. And car dealerships get the second lowest score, which is kind of mind blowing because I would think that they could and would tap into social media.

There are also some really interested and notable examples outlined in this infographic. For example, the Boston Police Department uses Twitter for real time crime updates and Facebook for public service announcements. Social media also played a bit role in the manhunt for the Boston Marathon Bombings.

Meanwhile the New York Public library has well over 20,000 Pinterest followers and actively uses other forms of social media, such as Twitter. And the city of Toronto offers social media apps for reporting potholes and graffiti! That’s pretty cool!

Check out the rest of the example from this awesome infographic by rightmix marketing!

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