Bringing Out the History Books: The Rise of Inbound Marketing [Infographic]


Ah marketing. It’s literally been around for ages, but up until about 15 years it was all largely the same. Until recent years most marketing involved outbound marketing. Now, technology, social media, and other changes have brought about a great revolution in the marketing world.

In 1450 Gutenberg invented the removable type printing press. This allowed people to quickly and easily print books, papers and other things. Soon, marketers began printing flyers to hawk their goods. By 1839 posters were appearing and the first known bill board was put up in 1867.

The 20th century would bring great changes in technology. First came the radio and by 1922 advertisers took to the airwaves. As with later technologies, people quickly adopted the radio. By 1933 over half of the homes had access to the radio.

In 1941 came the TV and by the 1950’s TV advertising revenue surpassed radio and magazine revenues. And yet despite all of these great technological changes, advertising remained largely the same. It was all based on out-bound, pull people in marketing.

By 1973, however, nascent developments in technology were laying the ground work for later revolutions. The first mobile phone and the predecessors to the computer were being invented. And these technologies would eventually give rise to social media and mobile marketing.

Unlike previous technologies, internet and mobile marketing largely rely on inbound marketing relies on people searching for content and trying to find information. And the industry has blossomed, consider these stats about the US marketplace:

some 246 million people (out of a population of 330 million) have mobile phones

there are nearly 55 million tablet users

144 million people have Facebook

240 million people have regular access to the Internet

There are ton of other statistics, so make sure you check out this kick ass infographic brought to you by Hubspot. And props to BlueGlass for designing such an information packed infographic!

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