Crack Open the History Books and Learn About Sales Women [Infographic]


Often, when I think of a sales person, I think of a guy with a cheap suit sitting in the middle of a used car lot. Yeah, I know that’s only a small number of sales men, but that’s the image that comes to mind.

Anyways, while we often use the term sales men, women also make great sales people. So don’t let your gender box you in or out of a career! If you have the will, there’s a way. Let’s take a look at this infographic so we can learn more about sales women.

One of the first still famous women sale’s professionals was Mary Musgrove, a half Native American Half European woman. Let’s read what the infographic has to say about her:

<blockquote>Mary used her business acumen to establish successful fur trading posts along the Altamaha River </blockquote>

Not a bad career! She also helped translate for Creek tribe and helped to protect Indian interests. Her status as the daughter of the Creek emperor even allowed her to play an important role in political processes.

Or perhaps you have heard of Estee Lauder? Her make-up can now be found in just about every department store in the world. She started her empire all the way back in 1953.

And today there’s Oprah Winfrey. If you live in the United States or follow American culture, you’ve almost certainly heard of her. A marketing endorsement from Mrs. Winfrey is considered the “gold ring” of marketing.

Check out the rest of the great women sale’s people in this kick ass infographic by Nimble!

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