Getting To Know All About Typefaces [Infographic]


We use writing all the time. In fact, at this very moment you are reading this written message. And yet, because writing is so pervasive, it’s often easy to forget what a remarkable invention it really is. The infographic above explains the history of typefaces.

Around 100 A.D. the first “printed” form of written languages was created. Still, these early forms of writing systems were cumbersome and hard to use. It wouldn’t be until 1440 when Gutenberg invested the movable type, essentially creating the modern printing press, that printing became widespread.

Gutenberg’s breakthrough would lead to a sort of mini renaissance in terms of type faces. Once the movable type was created, craftsmen started to create their own types of fonts! By 1501 the first italic type face was created and in the years that followed more breakthroughs would lead to even more diversity in the field!

These types of history lessons always blow my mind! It’s so easy to forget how important technologies and breakthroughs are in the process of daily living.

Just think, a few hundred years ago, if you wanted to change the

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font for your upcoming book, someone would have to manually change every single letter! Now, it’s as easy as selecting the text and changing the font in the drop down menu. Two seconds and you’re done!

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