Get Your Motor Running, But Be Prepared to Pay [Infographic]


It’s been a few years since I have owned a car, but I always loved driving. Don’t get me wrong, public transportation has its benefits, but still being able to hop in a car and go where ever, when ever, has its advantages. Needless to say, this is an interesting infographic outlining the average costs of buying and owning cars around the world.

I was a bit surprised to see the USA among the most expensive countries, however, I think it the high price tag has more to do with the types of a car being bought than anything else. Americans want to drive large sedans and trucks, while people in Europe and Canada seem happy with smaller compact cars, at least that’s my personal experience.

And count yourself lucky if you want to own a car and don’t live in Singapore. The average cost of buying a car there tops 105,000 dollars! Crazy! No only that, but the city-state also charge over $2,100 dollars a year in congestion fees.

In Hong Kong, the average cost of a car is a bit less than 28,000 dollars, however, yearly fuel costs will top 4,000 dollars, one of the highest in the world. And parking fees average nearly 10,000 dollars. Road taxes also average nearly 10,000 dollars!

Anyways, check out how much it costs to own a car in your country or region! Check out the map above and see how much car ownership costs around the world!

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