Heading Online to Get Your Offline Job [Infographic]


Did you know that one in six job seekers credit social media with their job hunt? That’s a pretty high number, all things considered!

In many ways, a social resume can be thought of as your online presence. There are a few websites, however, like Linkedin, ResumeSocial.com, and VisualCV.com, that offer professional oriented services. Ziggs.com and Razume.com even let you build social resumes from scratch!

So how should you build your online presence to attract recruiters? First make sure you include any professional organizations and volunteer work. Also, cut out any swearing, bad grammar, mention of alcohol, and even religious posts on your social media accounts. And if you have any notable influence stats, such as your Twitalyzer rank or Linkedin connections, show them off!

Linkedin, Twitter, and other sites also allow you to monitor your profile. For example, Linkedin allows you to check and see how many people have viewed your profile and Twitter let’s you see how many times you’ve been retweeted.

But is social media really worth the effort? Well consider that 89 percent of hiring managers have hired through Linkedin. 25 percent have hired through Facebook, and 15 percent have hired through Twitter. Those numbers are nothing to underestimate!

Check out the rest of this infographic by Online Colleges to learn how technology can empower your CV and help you land your dream job!

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