Men, Women, and Social Media [Infographic]


Social media is now an important aspect of the modern American lifestyle. Interestingly, the way women and men use social media defers. In many ways women may, in fact, be more adept at social media! Consider this, some 71 percent of women use social media vs. only 62 percent of men! Talk about being the social gender.

Women also dominate Twitter, with 62 percent of users being female. 58% of Facebook‘s user base is also female, and yes women are even more popular than guys, having 8% more friends! Women are also mopping up on Pininterest, constituting some 70% of the user base!

It’s not all bad news for guys, however, as they tend to dominate more professionally oriented sites. For example, 54% of Linkedin accounts and 64% of Google+ are owned by males. Also, 54% of Youtube accounts are owned by males, making them the more video inclined sex! In fact, men spend an average of an hour on Youtube per week, compared with only 35 minutes for women!

Also, social media commands different levels of attention. For example, the average user spends only 3 minutes per month on Google+ but a whopping 405 minutes on Facebook.

There are other facts and pieces of data worth absorbing on this kick ass infographic by, so take the time to read it!



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