Teenagers and Their Social Media Habits [Infographic]


Teenagers are scary creatures. A combination of ambition, dreams, and fluctuating hormones, they can be uncontrollable ticking time bombs. Still, understanding how teens relate to social media is important, especially for teens themselves, and their caring parents.

Teens use social media to relate to the world, and usually do so with their real names (92%) and real photos (91%). They also use social media to tell the world about their interests (84%) and other important tidbits of information. 20% even have their cell phone numbers posted up! (Probably not a good idea).

26% of teens, however, post fake information in order to protect their privacy. Honestly, that might not be a bad idea in some cases and situations!

98% of teens use social media to keep in touch with friends, and 76% use it to keep in touch with siblings. Don’t worry mom and dad, 70% also use it to keep in touch with their parents.

On the other hand, 33 percent add friends and contacts from people they don’t even know! These so-called online friends can pose dangers, however, so be careful!

Luckily 60 percent of teens keep their profile private, and another 25 percent are partially private! Only 14% keep their profile public.

Remember, social media can be a lot of fun, but it can also be dangerous too!

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