Thou Shalt Not Lie On Your Resume [Infographic]


Furthering your career is tough these days, and here’s the first tip, don’t lie on your resume! You’ll most likely get caught, and the very least will earn some bad karma!

Anyways, this kick ass infographic by contains a ton of interesting pieces of data and information on lying and resumes.

Sadly, some 46 percent of resumes contain some bit of false information and a whopping 70 percent of college students admitted they would lie to get a dream job.

So what do people lie about? 21 percent of lie about a degree, while 29 percent alter employment dates. 40 percent inflate salary claims and 27 percent give false references. Finally, 33 percent give false job descriptions.

Still, 73 percent of people state that they have never lied on a resume, vs. only 9.5 percent of people who have lied on multiple occasions. An additional 4.5 percent have lied just once.

One statistic that I found odd from this infographic is that 3 percent of applicants have a misdemeanor, while 7 percent have a felony. That’s odd, because I have known several people who have misdemeanor charges, but none with a felony.

Anyways, you shouldn’t lie on your CV, even if you’re applying for your dream job! Keep it straight and things will work out in the end.

2 Responses to "Thou Shalt Not Lie On Your Resume [Infographic]"

  1. Rachel Ann Lashbrook says:

    Hope you are well. I saw that you had posted an infographic related to resumes and career before and thought I would reach out to you. We recently created an infographic which highlights how some facts are fudged in a resume. The infogaphic is choke full of information and stats related to resumes. Thought I would pass it on as it might be of interest to your readers.
    Here’s the link
    Hopefully you will find the content good to share with your readers. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.

    • Dan says:

      Hi Rachel

      I just send you an email, please check and reply to it.


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