You’ve Got to be Mobile With Your Job Hunt [Infographic]


Mobile computing is changing the way we live our lives, and that includes the way we search for jobs! I’ve never used my mobile phone to look for a job, I admit, but it turns out more and more people are doing just that!

In fact, 68 percent of people report using their mobile phone to search for jobs at least once a week, while an additional 30 percent do the same at least once per day! To my surprise, I am in the small minority (never), with only 3 percent!

60 percent of people use their mobile devices to search for jobs, while another 30 percent actually apply for jobs! Still, 30 percent of people find it “difficult” to apply for a job with their mobile device, while only 9% find it very easy.

How often do you use your mobile phone to search for a job? Got the answer? Check out the chart at the top of this kick ass infographic by Glassdoor to see where you fit! (By the way, Glassdoor is a great site for checking out salaries and searching jobs).

Besides applying for jobs, mobile devices offer a great way to prep for an interview. You can read up on the job description and check out the company’s corporate website while waiting to be interviewed!

There is a ton of really useful information in this infographic, so don’t let me hog it all! Check it out and see how your mobile phone can help you land your dream career!

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