A Coffee Connoisseur’s Infographic


If you’ve been following me on this website, then you probably already know that coffee is one of my favorite beverages. So, it should be no surprise that I love coffee related infographics! This is a great one by Bed, Bath, & Beyond, so take a look!

This infographic will help you choose the right coffee machine based on your personality. That’s a pretty cool idea. The first thing I did was read through all of the different personality descriptions to figure out which one I am closest to. I am a coffee purist, so the infographic recommends that I get a French Press, and you know what? That’s exactly what I have!

As far as grinding my coffee goes, I actually just grind it at the store. I know,

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that hurts the flavor. Still, I don’t feel like dealing with the mess. But I must say, I heavily disagree with their recommendation that I use course coffee with my French Press. I have tried all sorts of different coffee grinds, and a fine grind always works best with my French Press. (The trick is to let the coffee settle).

As for type of coffee, I prefer dark coffee myself. I know, it’s not as high in caffeine content, but I enjoy the deep and rich flavors.

Anyways, make sure you check out all of the charts as they are super helpful!

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