Boost Your Career With a Certificate [Infographic]


Are you looking to get ahead in your career, but remain unconvinced of the value of a four year degree, or simply don’t have the time and money to commit to four years in an American university? If so, you should consider a certificate program. Many of these programs can be completed quickly and at low cost.

For example, health care is booming. One thing you could do is get a certificate as medical assistant. I can’t remember the numbers specifically, but I know the U.S. Department of Labor projects this to be a fast growing field in the years to come, and this infographic shows that it is already a top choice among many people.

If you’re interested in medical care but want a bit more hands on experience (medical assistants usually do a lot of paper work) you could consider getting a vocational nursing certificate, such as a LPN. In 2012, over 52,000 of these degrees were awarded! Another great medical related certificate is the Patient Care Assistant certificate. Nearly 39,000 of these certificates were awarded in 2012.

And if you really want to be on the front line of medical care, consider being an EMT, which are the ambulance drivers. 21,179 people received EMT training in 2012. You can also get a certificate to become a dental assistant and help people maintain their oral health! 14, 646 of these certificates were awarded (2012).

If medicine’s not your thing, you could consider cosmetology. 49,396 cosmetology degrees were awarded in 2012. You also get a certificate to become a massage therapists, with 17,344 of these being awarded.

You could also get a degree to become a welder. Wielding programs produced over 16,000 graduates in 2012. Or you could get a certificate to become a bus and truck driver, 14,646 of these certificates were awarded in 2012.

There are a ton of other interesting facts on this educational infographic by! Check out the above map for more. I don’t think Harvard or other top colleges offer many of these certificate programs, but I could be wrong. Get back to us if you find anything interesting!

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