Coca Coca and Its Social Responsibility [Infographic]


Coca Cola has a rather mixed company image, due to the perceived poor health effects of its products, and some rather unflattering news stories concerning labor conditions and other things.

This infographic attempts to clean up the company‘s image but the heavy branding and marketing pitch makes me a bit skeptical. Still, I’ll give them their time of day and this to the data they present.

Interestingly, 19 out of 20 of Coca Cola’s products are either low or zero calories. Honestly, I find that hard to believe (and I admit, on a warm day I love a cold glass of Sprite). Stevia, an all-natural low calorie sweetener is becoming especially popular.

Meanwhile, Coca Cola is increasingly putting its calorie count right on the front of their drinks. And I can’t give them anything but props for that. The company also supports sports and health programs around the world, so check out the above map to see what’s going on in your country.

I won’t lie, I can’t help but wonder if the exercise programs outlined above are “green washing” the diabetes epidemic. But there is one thing I will give Coca Cola props for, they don’t advertise to children under the age of twelve.

Anyways, don’t let my opinions ruin this super insightful infographic by Coca Cola! Check it out yourself and form your own opinions.

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