Garlic Wards Off More Than Vampires [Infographic]


Do you like garlic but find people complaining of the smell or taste? This tasty infographic that can provide you with the justifications you need to indulge in your garlic eating habits. Garlic is admittedly a pungent and strong tasting flavor, but the plant itself have many positive health benefits.

In fact, garlic protects against fungi, viruses, and bacteria! So if a bad cold is going around, you might want to consider a bit of garlic with your pasta or pizza! Importantly, garlic is effective against many bacteria that can effect the immune system, such as salmonella.

Garlic is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamins A and C, and also Manganese and numerous other important and often hard to find minerals. It’s important to note that garlic cloves are the richest source of these various vitamins and minerals, so if you want to add some flavor to your recipe, make sure you use the cloves.

Also, to prepare garlic, crush it, and let it sit for about 15 minutes at room temperature. This will maximize its antibiotic properties.

And if people are still complaining about bad breadth or a sour after taste, trying eating something minty or chewing on gum! Either way, you should not let the few negatives of garlic detract from its many positives!

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