I Do Indeed Love Coffee [Infographic]


I love coffee. I usually drink at least one or two cups of coffee a day and I have to agree with the 46 percent of U.S. workers who say that they feel less productive without coffee. Simply put, without a warm cup of java, I don’t feel like I can work at 100 percent. And coffee is definitely near the top of my list of favorite drinks and food.

Turns out I am quite the light weight, however, as 61 percent of workers who need coffee, drink at least two cups a day! I only drink two or more cups on a bad day, and usually try to keep it to one cup. But hey, to each his or her own.

Personally, I drink my coffee black, without any added flavors or sweeteners. Perhaps I should join a legal profession then because both lawyers and judges prefer their coffee black! Writers, teachers, and government professionals, on the other hand, prefer to add some flavoring. And human resource professionals prefer cream and sugar.

Interestingly, lab technicians and PR professionals drink the most coffee. I would have figured that doctors and nurses would come in at number 1 given their stress levels. Doctors come in at number 6, however, and nurses rank only 13. Ironically health care administrators have the highest ranking of the health related professions, coming in at number 5!

You should see where your current or future career ranks on the above list! And thanks Ilovecoffee.jp for creating this great infographic!

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