Pay Anytime, Anywhere With Mobile Payment Systems [Infographic]


Mobile payment systems offer businesses and customers an easy way to buy and sell things while on the go. Mobile payments are projected to record strong growth in the future and should hit 1.3 trillion dollars by 2017. And yes you read that right, trillion, not billion. That’s a lot of money.

31 percent of people now use debit cards and 21 percent use credit cards. This is up from 10 percent for both combined in 1995, so the growth has been tremendous! Now you can use Mobile POS systems to scan credit and debit cards with mobile devices, such as a smartphone!

54 percent of restaurant owners are now planning to invest in such technologies, so growth and adoption rates should skyrocket. If you haven’t been considering these types of systems, you definitely should.

These systems can really speed up the check out process, and reduce the need for cash registers and other payment systems. Not only that, customers never have to let their cards leave their sight. No wonder proponents of these systems are hailing them as swift, smart, and safe!

Such systems will help you save floor space by reducing the need for cash registers, and will also allow you to accept credit cards in more places (such as a mobile food truck, or with delivery drivers). And with 69 percent of customers already comfortable with such systems, adoption rates will only climb!

Check out the rest of the great information on this kick ass infographic by Pay Anywhere.


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