Reviving A Drowned Phone [Infographic]


It happens to just about everyone at some point. You drop your phone into some water. This funny infographic has some vital tips for those of you who have ruined a phone, and with a bit of luck you might even be able to restore your phone to working order!

Apparently, the toilet claims the most victims! That kind of surprises me, I would have guessed that people spilling drinks would claim more phones. Maybe I say that because that’s how I lost one of my own! Also, I’ve known people who have jumped into pools, forgetting that they had their phone on them.

Anyways, after you retrieve your phone. Shut it off and take it apart. Then, try to wipe off as much water as possible, but don’t use a blow dryer as that will just push water deeper into the phone, and could even melt some of the eternal parts.

Instead, place the phone in a bag full of rice or silica gel packets. And yes, this method really does work! I’ve known a few people who have used this method successfully! Sometimes, however, your phone is simply beyond repair, and it’s best to let it “rest in pee,” as the authors state.

Of course, if you’re really clumsy you might want to consider a water proof phone! There are several great and classy options on the market.

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