State Of the Social Media World Address [Infographic]


Did you know that among Americans 27 percent of the time spent on the Internet is spent on social media sites. I would have never guessed that the numbers were so high! Meanwhile, people who are searching through the internet from their mobile phone are spending 15 percent of their time on social media.

This has created a boon for internet marketers, because social media produces almost double the leads of traditional channels, such as trade shows! Not only that, but social media has a conversion rate that’s 13 percent higher than average.

21 percent of markets believe that social media has become more important in the last six months, and 74 percent believe that overall it’s important to their strategy. Further, 36 percent of markets have found a customer through Twitter, and 43 percent through Linked in.

23 percent of marketers will be investing in social media and blogging this year. This is important, because 46 percent of customers rely on social media when making a purchase.

There are also some differences in regards to gender, with women generally being more active social media users. Check out this awesome infographic by Wish Pond so you can learn about all the details!

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