Surviving the Wilds With Your Cellphone [Infographic]


“Cell phones today are capable of amazing things. You can talk, text, tweet, browse, shop, or buy from anywhere in the world.”

I can’t argue with that kick ass statement from this rocking infographic. But this infographic by is about a whole lot more than what’s stated above. You can start thinking about your cellphone as a Swiss Army knife, because in more ways than one, it’s a great survival tool!

If you’re stuck in an emergency situation, it’s important to have a good mental concept of what materials are in your cellphone that could be useful, check out the first section of this infographic to learn more.

For example, using some wire from inside your phone and the battery, you could actually start a fire! The process is a bit complicated, but basically you connect the wire to the battery and the electricity should help you catch a spark, which you can then use to start a fire.

You can also use a stone from the environment to sharpen your silicon motherboard, or the metal mount (if available) into a cutting instrument! So now you know that your phone is literally a knife! And if you got a sharp edge, that also means you can make a sharp spear!

The LCD screen, on the other hand, can be used to send flash signals. You just need to direct light off the screen to passing by planes, other vehicles or people. You can even use your fingers as a sort of “scope” to aim light. Check out the diagrams for more information!

There are other possibilities, so we encourage you to explore this wild infographic in case you ever get in trouble while out exploring nature!

Stay safe, and don’t try any of this unless you have to!

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