The Psychology of Closing a Sale [Infographic]


Making a sale is no easy thing, but the following psychological insights could greatly increase your chances of closing the deal! With just a touch of science and a splash of marketing skill, you can launch a truly kick ass marketing campaign!

The first thing you should consider is how you can obtain social proof. This refers to reviews, posts by customers on social media sites, and other methods to prove that real people really love your products. And just as people love opinions from their friends, they respect “authority” opinions, so make sure you get some expert reviews!

Another related tactic is referred to as getting-your-foot in the door. This means getting someone to say yes to a small thing, such as liking your product page, and then using that to expand your sales potential.

Also, it’s important to understand that people are afraid of loss, and many people won’t want to make a purchase because they are afraid that they will be losing something by doing so. What you need to do is convince them that the real loss is not purchasing the product.

Next, you need to make sure your product is the most attractive of all the options being considered, this is a process called anchoring.

Check out the rest of this great infographic by Pardot!

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